Uninstall nix package manager from Linux

0 minute read


As of Apr'22 nix package manager does not have official uninstaller. This post provides a way to remove nix. It can also be found in man page.

Uninstall NIX

  1. Remove nix related folders and Files

    rm -rf $HOME/{.nix-channels,.nix-defexpr,.nix-profile,.config/nixpkgs}
    sudo rm -rf /nix
  2. Remove all references to nix in ~/.profile, ~/.bashrc and ~/.zshrc

  3. Cleanup systemd

    sudo systemctl stop nix-daemon.socket
    sudo systemctl stop nix-daemon.service
    sudo systemctl disable nix-daemon.socket
    sudo systemctl disable nix-daemon.service
    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  4. Delete nixbldX users

    grep nixbld /etc/passwd | awk -F ":" '{print $1}' > /tmp/nixusers
    cat /tmp/nixusers | xargs -t -n 1 sudo userdel -r